Tuesday, November 15, 2005

...You ate what? (My Sushi Experience)

I've been a big fan of Chinese food for a long time. There is just something about it - the great taste, the convenience of being able to order it by phone, the mystery of if you're eating cat or dog! I never really understood that whole thing. If cat tasted that good there wouldn't be that many stray cats, would there? I'd do my part - my wife knows I don't turn away free food. Fry 'em up and dip 'em in some sauce... but alas the story isn't true. Cats and dogs aren't in Chinese food - so the cats that get into my trash are safe, for now. Orange Flavored Beef with two egg rolls - YUM! This is my favorite! It is an easy dish for them over cook, but when it is cooked right it is awesome! Mix in the white rice that comes with the meal and you're all set. It even comes with broccoli to satisfy my wife's vegetable requirement. Orange Flavored Chicken with two egg rolls - YUM! Sometimes they don't offer orange beef - like when I'm at the food court at the mall. Orange chicken is just as good! On occasion when I order Orange Beef I suspect they give me the chicken instead. I can't prove it but ... I just have a feeling. My wife, son and I went out to our favorite Chinese food restaurant in Greenfield - New Fortune. I wanted to try something new. The restaurant had just been remodeled and they now had a sushi bar. Give them a ring, 413-772-0838. They are open to 10pm most days and take-out/delivery is available. I wanted something new - so why not, Yellow Tail Sushi with two egg rolls - YUM? I attempted sushi once at an all-you-can-eat buffet style restaurant but I chickened out... something about all-you-can-eat sushi seems... fishy. I'm a fan of cooking shows - Alton Brown is my homeboy - and they say when ordering fish at the market, there should not be a fishy smell. The fish stunk a little. When the waitress came to the table I said I'll take two yellow tail. Seemed like a good choice and for two dollars each, not too expensive if I decide they're gross or like them and want more. What happened next was straight out of A Fish Called Wanda. The waitress brought out a bowl of water with two fish inside. She handed me one of those green fish tank nets. I dipped it in, grabbed up a fish and swallowed it down. It wiggled a little bit but it was delicious. I didn't have any nose fries to enjoy though. Well, that's not quite what happened. She brought out the fish on the rice. Along with it there was a ball of wasabi and what I thought was ginger. I later found out it was indeed pickled ginger. The first one I ate fast, unsure of if I would like it. I chewed it once or twice and swallowed it down. Like with alcoholic drinks - the second one goes down easier. I took my time with the second piece. The texture of the fish wasn't what I expected. It was really tender and with the rice - it was just great, no other way to explain it. I've been hooked ever since. Its a good thing they have take out! A little green stuff.... (POWERFUL STUFF!) A little red stuff.... You only live once, so eat uncooked fish! Okay, the motto needs a little work but you should give it a try at least once. Don't let the stigma of eat raw fish deter you, its all good. Maybe next time I'll try a vegetable roll ... nahh, those are gross!

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