Thursday, September 07, 2006

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

Tonight I went down to mess around at an anti-porn protest in Northampton and as I sat in my car, waiting for the sprinkles to stop, I thought what the hell am I doing with my life? I spent the time from my lunch break to when I left work making a sign to hold as I mingled with the protesters. Looking at the sign, I keep asking myself, why? Why am I wasting time from my family to act out a joke only I’d get the punch line to? I’ve put a lot of thought into this and for the time being, I will no longer be updating this blog and it will eventually be taken down – once it’s all neatly backed-up. I need to take a break from everything that’s not important and refocus on other things in my life. will still be developed, hopefully partnered with Rudius Media. I submitted some stories that I never posted on here for a variety of different reasons including, but not limited to, the fact my mother has been known to read a post or two. Basically, that’s it. I’m out. Lots of love guys! My thanks to for his story "Running" that inspired me to start the blog, folks over at for being interesting, for linking to my panhandling story and to all my readers and commenters. I’m taking another three-day weekend this week. On Friday, my wife and I have another baby appointment and my son has his first day/orientation day of his second year of preschool then we’ll be going to the Franklin county fair. After that, it’s anyone’s guess. If you want to contact me for some reason: Leave a comment, I’ll reply… eventually. Email me: editor [at] theendisnow [dot] com Or if that one gives you problems: meice [at] hgenco [dot] org Yahoo IM: stupid_lemon_eater AIM: SymbioteOmega
It's something unpredictable But in the end is right I hope you had the time of your life


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear it man, but best of luck.
Sounds like you had what alcholics refer to as "a moment of clarity"...
sorry, can't resist the Jules reference.

misterorange said...

Good luck man, it was a good run :)

kevin black said...

I'm disappointed I discovered you late in your limelight. You were easily one of my favorite reads. It sounds though like you're coming up to a turning point in your life.

Have you considered accepting me as your Lord and Savior?