Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The BIG news

Is my head too big? Family members, friends, readers of this site, and my fellow Americans: Major procreation operations in Henry Manor have ended. In the Battle of the Bedroom, the Dude has prevailed. And now my wife is engaged in constructing my second and final offspring.

We had the ultrasound early because of a few scares but all seems well.We had our first doctor's appointment today. At which time it was confirmed that we are nine weeks pregnant with an expected delivery date of January 07, 2007. Hooray!

With our first child, we decided to keep the name a secret and announce the sex. For this child we will announce the sex and their name. We are figuring the annoucement will be made around the end of September, but that's only written in pencil and may change.

In the words of the prophet Isaiah: "To the captives, 'Come out!' and to those in darkness, 'Be free!"' May God bless you all, and may God continue to bless America.


M. E. H. said...

Sorry for the delay in posting it. Yardwork mixed with allergy medicine really knocked me out yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, man