Tuesday, January 03, 2006

And so there I was...

I don't think I was meant to get to work on time or heaven forbid, early. I had just dropped my son off at his grandmother's house and was heading off to work. Not 5 minutes down the road and it started getting a little slick. I tapped the breaks and it was all over. I didn't lock the breaks. I had almost regained control but by that time I was in the snow bank. I tried to rock it out, but I was in too deep. I walked back up to my wife's mother's house. Her step-dad helped pull out the car with his plow. Oh and have I mentioned that this is a borrowed car? No? How about that I'm borrowing it from him? Yeah... that was a comfortable situation. I took these pictures incase the car was messed up or were needed for insurance purposes. The car was fine, so they weren't needed. Oh well, I was only 35 minutes late to work. Most of that delay was my defeated walk back. Gulf Road in Northfield is really bad in the winter. The only redeeming quality it has is it's scenery. After a heavy, sticky snow that covers the trees it feels like you are driving through a tunnel. So far this year, there really hasn't been that kind of snow. I stopped half way down the mountain and snapped a picture of icicles on some rocks.

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