Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's better to beg forgiveness than to seek permission, fin.

Dear Western Massachusetts Electric Company,

Tonight, from Walmart, we bought a 5,200 BTU air conditioner. Sure, it says it's one of the most energy efficient models but that's a lie, right? You know this thing will be sucking down the happy juice from the happy holes and you'll be laughing all the way to the bank. You're fucking welcome, sugar tits! Always looking to take my money... lousey bunch of...

Advising you not to cash my check until after X-mas, Michael E. Henry Mel C. Gibson

1 comment:

M. E. H. said...

I don't really about the word "Jew" or if non-Jews can use it freely. I'm circumcised, does that give any leeway? I know Al Frankin says it alot, using it in some jokes but I don't know if I can say it. I don't want to be called an Anti-Semite... I'm anti all religions equally. Thats the American way!

Can I refer to a christian as a "Christi"? Maybe a muslim as a "muzzy"? Or would I be sued for trademark violations?