Monday, August 28, 2006

Merry Katrina Eve

It's been a year since that Hurricane Katrina touched down and in a couple of days it will be the anniversary of it's sucessful 2-point conversion - breached levies. I'm a fan of most natural disasters because, lets face it, there are too many people on this rock and aren't we all a little better off now that there are less people to stand in front of us in line? The mainstream media and the blogosphere, whatever the hell that is, is up in arms over yet another poorly chosen metaphor used by that Ray Nagin. When will Nagin's fifteen be up? In response to questions about debris still littering his city's streets during a “60 minutes” interview, Nagin replied, “You guys in New York can’t get a hole in the ground fixed, and it’s five years later. So let’s be fair.” Yeah, lets be fair... For someone who doesn't mean to offend anyone with his comments, he sure does a good job at it! In observance of the one-year anniversary, Mayor Ray Nagin would like to share his delicious recipe for Chocolate. We join his press conference all ready in progress. How do you make chocolate? You take dark chocolate, [ be health smart, people, use reduced fat! ] you mix it with white [ 2% ] milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about!

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