Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The results are in...

Soak it up people.  This will be the only grainy picture of this area of my daughter you'll ever see on the Internets!  Believe it! We're having a girl! At least we're pretty sure, lack of proof is proof in itself. My wife has had a feeling she was going to have a girl. Another Life lession learned: the wife is always right (even if she's wrong). The number one comments I've received is that she's probably going to be "such a daddy's girl" and "she's going to have you totally wrapped around her finger." Janurary 7th is going to be here before we know it and there is so much to do: birth refresher class, sibling class for our son, setting up the nursery and picking out the baby's name. Unfortunately, my boy names I had picked out won't be able to used. The list included many gems, such as: George Michael, Annyong, Bryce, Maverick, Alton, Carl, Soda, Glenn, Peter, Goku, Stewie, Barry, Jason, Tobias, Seven, Foster, Spike, Naruto, Rocky, Apollo, Blue #2, and Prince Michael Henry (lost that battle with the first one, too). Now, I need to come up with a good girls name... like Moxy Crimefighter.


misterorange said...

Congratulations! That is awesome!

You'll continue to hear "She's daddy's little girl" forever and ever and ever and ever.

Even if she's not. Doens't matter. People get some sort of perverse pleasure out of explaining to you how you're going to bow down and kiss the ground the kid walks on.

Sadly, it's sorta true. While you won't give in completely, you'll have an affinity for the first kid that is truly palpable.

I should turn this shit into a blog post. Perhaps I will :)

misterorange said...

Then I read/find out this is going to be your second child. Well, shit. Kinda nulls that whole first comment.

Since I have no experience with boys and only girls, I can assure you'll be happy either way ;)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! See, I told you it'd be a girl. :)
Second children are often more enjoyable, not because of them, but because as parents, you're more relaxed the second time around. So there's going to be, what, a four year difference in your kids' ages? That's pretty good.