Thursday, March 30, 2006

TEiN Breaking News: Jill Carroll Released!

From day one, this story never sat well with me. I don’t feel like we’re getting the whole truth out of this situation. It doesn’t seem to me like it was real. She was threatened with death, twice, but was never abused while in custody. Deadlines came and past, yet she is somehow still alive then released for no apparent reason. Her kidnappers were some group of nobodies called the Revenge Brigades. The who? Exactly. No one heard of them before this. From the reports that are coming out, they don’t sound very experienced in the kidnapping business – permitting the use of a shower, furnished room, access at least once to a television and a newspaper. “I felt I was not free. It was difficult because I didn’t know what would happen to me,” she said. Also, according to my radio goddess, Randi Rhodes, this group's kidnapping actually delayed the already pending release of Iraqi women who were jailed. What was gained? I don’t have any proof to make the accusation that this was staged but… P.S. Glad you’re alive. On a side note, I’m glad I’m a man in America. I can’t begin to imagine how American women, who travel to the Islamic/Arabic countries, handle the loss of their freedoms and being made to wear the headscarves and robes! I don’t really understand societies that aren’t “free.” Peace. Related sites: [ MSN ] American hostage Jill Carroll freed in Iraq [ CNN ] Carroll walks unharmed into Sunni party office [ CSMONITOR ] Jill Carroll: finally free

1 comment:

M. E. H. said...

One of my favorite blog blogs, Brad Blog, posted an interesting article to Jill's release. Much more interesting than mine. Check it out here,

Jill Carroll Unsure of Her Freedom During First TV Interview. There's even a video.