Monday, February 20, 2006

I guess this makes me a scab..

A beautiful day off of work... Happy Birthday Presidents Washington and Lincoln! Did you know that this day started getting called President's Day in the '70s after the day was moved to the third Monday in February? It basically consolidated Washington and Lincoln's birthdays. I'm just glad it’s a company paid holiday that these great men were once leaders of this great land! One Friday of last week, during my afternoon break, I headed out to check out the damage to a car dealership from the high-speed winds. There was nothing for me to see unfortunately, even if I had taken a picture the Recorder would have already took a great shot. My travels weren't in vain however; I was lucky enough to happen across this group of protestors! I pulled over immediately and snapped a shot. I was in no place to hop out and talk to them, so I drove away, turned around and came back. In less than 5 minutes, they had picked up and left! In their defense, it was blistering cold and when the wind hit you... trust me, on that day, you did not want the wind to hit you! When I got back to the office, I checked out the shot. Apparently, these folks were either teachers or supporters of the teachers in regards to the current contract situation. I don't have the specifics on it and I don't want to confuse it with Springfield's troubles but apparently Western Massachusetts governments aren't so good with contracts. There aren’t many outlets for local news on the Web. Well, lets see... there are the Recorder, the Greenfield Optimist, and Mass Live. The Recorder leaves headlines up for only 7 days, they want your fifty-cents. The Greenfield Optimist, is for all intents and purposes useless and a complete waste.. unless you’re Al Norman or his lackey. Then there is Mass Live, it occasionally has things from here in North Western Mass but it’s mainly for the south as Springfield is bigger, with more interesting news. With the three-day weekend coming up and the start to February vacation, I knew Monday would be a great day to pull out my paparazzi skills, there should be a ton of picketers on the town common! Today was a total waste. I was hoping to see... something! There was no one on the Town Common or in front of the Town Hall. No one was in front of any school - there weren't any cars in the parking lots, either! What's more annoying than picketers? Fair weather picketers! You people have some real devotion to your cause! Thanks for wasting my day! Here I am, willing to take your story and give you exposure on the best blog ever written by a Michael Henry and you're nowhere to be found! I see how it is...

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