Monday, May 08, 2006

A Moment in Science: Peeps vs Microwave

The background Through the rumor mill, I've heard that Peeps, much like real chicks and bunnies, love spending time in the microwave! I've also heard that once in the microwave they can grow to several times their original size, unless you're looking at them through your rear view mirror but that's just silly talk. Look to your right, now look to your left.  One of those Peeps probably won't make it to graduation.I had a four-pack of the rabbit Peeps that somehow had avoided being eaten since Easter. They looked a little depressed behind their wrapper. Imagine spending your life in a fixed position, watching the world go on around you but unable to break free. How sad. Google brings up about 26,700 results for the daring feat that I will now perform! The hypothesis A Peep in the microwave would be awesome. The materials A supply of Peeps, Rabbit flavored A microwave safe dish A microwave On standby, you should have a couple of graham crackers and a chocolate bar. The procedure Are we going for a ride? I decided on using a glass dish instead of a paperplate. I don't pollute because I give a hoot. It looks so happy to be free! I hit my 3-minute express cook button and excitedly watched the action. The results Almost immediately the Peep grew. I quickly popped the door open. The growing stopped and the creature rapidly deflated.

Starting to deflate. It smells like a campfire marshmallow. I suppose the results would have been the same for any marshmallow. They're all the same when it comes down to it.

That's all there is, there isn't anymore. Peace.


Anonymous said...

You really like experimenting w/stuff in the microwave, huh?

M. E. H. said...

The microwaves is one of the greatest things ever invented. It's totally coke.

Anonymous said...


It's definitely not Pepsi!