Sunday, April 23, 2006

Weekend News Wrap-up

[ ORLANDOSENTINEL ] Making their mark Apparently the 1980 to 2000 generation are called the millennials. Not at catchy as Gen X and dumb as hell. This is the best the think tank could come up with? [ BOSTON ] Bob the workaholic Damn straight, put an end to this "working for a living" propaganda our kids are faced with in their educational programming. (Talking Bulldozers and Scarecrows still acceptable.) [ TIMESONLINE ] Max Headroom creator made Roswell alien Nah.. Nah... No way. (You know, how Max would studder?) Who'd have guess that an Alien Autopsy clip would be fake? Pah-lease! [ THEGLOBEANDMAIL ] When women bare breasts, the context is everything I'm coming up with syntax errors, could someone send me the command line for this? (Is that too nerdy for a wide reception?) [ WIRED ] MySpace Faces a Perp Problem I often fear that preverted old men are looking at me on MySpace. I love MySpace. Anything popular will eventually be ruined and something new will come about to replace it until it, too, becomes popular. [ BBCNEWS ] Bush defends embattled Rumsfeld Just mentioning it because this story has generated the most over played clip I've ever heard from Bush, "I'm the Decider!" Honestly, why hasn't anyone told this man to shut-up and read ONLY what his script writers or his ear piece tell him? Seriously! From one hibitual liar to another: give it up, man. You've blown it. This story was in the BBC. My country is an international laughing stock due to this election robbing fool. [ INFORMATIONCLEARINGHOUSE ] Prominent U.S. Physicists Send Warning Letter to President Bush I've actually begun plans to put a bomb shelter in my basement. There's a couple more years left to this guy's rein and with all the errors it will be a long time before we're right again. Especially if there is another nutcase Republican who steals the election gets elected. [ MIAMIHERALD ] Phony doctor arrested after fake breast exams Um, this was NOT me. Honest. Really. [ MACON ] Perdue signs Bible, Ten Commandments bills Seriously, why do these people even try? Wackos. [ ABCNEWS ] Air Force One Subject of Internet Hoax Must be nice to toss around that kind of cash for such a dumb hoax. Good to know the we have such an elite Airforce!
In other news I care nothing about - Tomkat had a TomKitty or something dumb like that. And, reportedly, he did not eat the placenta. What else? Oh yeah, on 04/20 the FDA ruled out medical marijuana. Pretty ironic on the date. On a happier note, last week's South Park was awesome - I hate Oprah. Good to see her minge and gary do as well. This Saturday they're having a season rewind on Comedy Central. Check it out! I'll bring the hotdogs, you bring the beer. Peace.

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